Sunday, October 17, 2010

Calling for Prayer

In real life, I am part of an outreach ministry called Kairos. We do evangelical work in maximum security prisons, trying to carry the message of the love of Christ in some of the darkest, most desperate places anywhere in the world.

My team and I will be spending 4 days at the Eastham Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice; this will be the teams 20th visit there, and my 3rd.

If this is at all attractive to you, and you would like to help, there is a very simple way for you to become personally involved, and it won't cost a thing.

One of the ways we share the love of Christ with these men is to make them aware that other people care for them, and are praying for them. So we collect the names of people who are willing to commit to be in prayer for the span of 4 days, Nov 11-14, 2010. You will be praying that God will use our ministry to change the lives of the 42 men who participate in this weekend. You will never know their names, or meet them in person, but you can make a tremendous difference to them, for all eternity.

If you want to be a part of this, comment with your first name, last initial, and the city and country you live in, and I will include you on our prayer chain. Every name is written on a strip of paper, which are then linked together to form a chain, which we bring in and drape around the meeting room, to symbolize the cloud of prayer which covers the whole weekend. (We have had prayer chains over 300 feet long at these weekends!) The men are visibly moved at this tangible outpouring of Christian love, and often are brought to tears.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you are moved to respond and participate. God bless each and everyone of you.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Let's call this one Ebenezer...

There are times when I think God must just sigh deeply at the foolishness of His creatures, or at least at mine own. I have started a new blog, and in doing so, I was moved to look back over some of what I had written here. The last posting in particular struck me, since it was there I was speaking of renewed commitments to post consistently, and to be more diligent in my efforts; then, a year and a half goes by...and I haven't written a thing!

Ok, so I'm not even going to make excuses or justify anything. I could have done better, I didn't, and I ask forgiveness for that. Now, I will move on and try to improve. Can you move on with me? Let's hope so.

The new blog grows out of a small-group bible study I am a part of, comprised mostly of fellow choir members at my church, with a few others who come occasionally. My friend Mary, who is hosting this group at her home, approached me and said that she felt moved by God to invite others to join her in study and fellowship, but that she was supposed to ask me to lead the group. Many people have told me that I seem to have a particular gift for teaching, a certain ability to explain and expound which is easy to receive. For the longest time I rejected the idea, mostly out of fear of the accountability it would require. (It has taken me some time to be honest enough to say that out loud.) But, after the success I had spending a year leading a group of high-school age students through the Book of Revelation, and filling in from time to time as a substitute Sunday school teacher, I have had to admit that I am a good teacher, and I enjoy it too. So, after some prayerful consideration, I agreed to lead the group. I asked her what she wanted me to teach on, and of course she batted that right back at me with, "Oh, whatever you want to teach is fine!"

Have you ever noticed that Satan likes to hide land mines in the middle of the good works that we do? Putting this group in my hands could turn into an ego-fest very quickly, with me teaching my opinions instead of God's Word; I see enough of that in the world as it is, without adding to it. So, I have to tread carefully, which is a good thing, as it makes me deliberate in my preparation and study time. I probably spend more time reading my bible now than I would otherwise, and I definitely spend more time thinking about what I'm reading. So I have to recognize God's blessings in being faithful and responsive to what He has called me to do.

I am teaching on the writings of the Apostle Paul, whose work I greatly admire. He was an amazing writer and thinker, and God made great and mighty use of this man and the abilities he had been gifted with. I only hope that perhaps God is using me in some similar way to reach the hearts of those who may not know Him, or not deeply enough. I will do my best to remain faithful, and then stand back and watch God receive the glory for what ever comes of it.

I do hope to be more consistent in posting both here and in the new blog, and I covet your prayers, your comments, and your encouragement. I post this as my Ebenezer: this far by God's grace I have come, but I ain't stopping yet!