Friday, September 12, 2008

Thoughts on the Storm (Here It Comes!)

Ok, here we are, about eight hours until landfall, and all the preparation that is going to be done, is done. I have braved the fierce grocery store dragons, stocked up as well as possible given my cash supply and the selection remaining. I went to my dad's this morning and helped him secure his property (at least to his satisfaction; he simply would not allow me to do all that I thought should be done. His statements that "We didn't take all these precautions before and it all worked out fine!" raise hackles on my neck, but I just don't have the stamina to argue with him.)

Our windows are boarded up, the dogs have been walked to relieve their anxiety, and now we just watch and wait. The outer rain bands are beginning to come ashore; parts of Galveston Island are already under water. Here in my neighborhood, an eerie quiet has descended. I helped a couple of neighbors finish their prep, but mostly everyone has gone inside, to either watch the storm approach on TV (our local news channels went to 24-hour coverage yesterday), or to avoid all thoughts of the weather, by any means necessary (the video stores are as out-of-stock as the grocery stores and gas stations).

My home is about 65 miles inland, so the tropical-storm-force winds are just beginning to reach us now. It's strange to see winds coming in from the north-east, when I know the ocean is south-east of here, but we are on the "dirty side" of the eye, and this is how it will be until the storm passes us. I will try to keep updates coming is, as log as the lights stay on. When I have a chance to collect my thoughts, there will probably be more philosophy than reporting, but I haven't reached that point yet.

Please, keep us and the city, and the state of Texas at large in your prayers, we definitely need them. More later!!


Dave Groff said...

Thanks for the updates Nicky. Interesting to hear of a different world that I know nothing about. Praying for you.


Dave Groff said...

Hey there! How did you weather the storm. Been thinking about you.


Nicky said...

Hello, Dave. God was certainly with us through it all. We suffered no damage to our home, and the only real consequence was we were without lights and internet for 20 days; even that wasn't awful, as my company loaned generators to every employee who needed one. We have offices in Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, and Phoenix, and they sent everything they had to help us. So we were blessed, and blessed, and blessed again.

Keep an eye out for a couple of new posts in the next few days; there's a lot going on I need to write about, to point to God's grace, mercy and glory...I won't delay much longer.

Thanks for your concern, I think I like having friends in far places!

Dave Groff said...

Good to hear- your safe-keeping and your coming testimony to God's grace!
